Wednesday, January 7, 2009
New Update on Rob =)
update on the sagaaaaa
New Moon movie scheduled to be released on NOVEMBER 20TH, 2009
(di indo 2010 kali ya.... =.= tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan sekitar november december.... kadang indo lumayan keren lho, lumayan cepet....kadang lho ya..)
see ya 'round, twi-hardsssssssssss !!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Juicy Couture : My Confession ;)

Pamela Skaist-Levy and Gela Taylor (wife of John Taylor of Duran-Duran) founded Juicy Couture in 1994. The company started as a designer T-Shirt company. The look of the company changed drastically in 1999 with tho companies entrance into the denim and sportswear market. Next came the item the company is most famous for, "The Track Suit." The item came in velour, terry cloth, and cashmere. The elements that made these suits so famous was there low riding draw string pants and form fitting zip up hoodies in a variety of mouthwatering colors. Skaist-Levy and Taylor, according to most fashion magazines, have made there track suit as popular as the little black dress.

In 2003 Juicy Couture was purchased by Liz Claiborne, Inc. for an undisclosed multi-million dollar sum. Quite an accomplishment for a company that sold track suits, "Juicy loves Martha" T Shirts, and ruffled velvet tube dresses. All of Juicy Couture items are manufactured with the companies signature logo, too highland terriers holding a shield bearing three hearts and love P&G (Pat and Gela) Juicies creators. A crown lies overhead while a Juicy Couture banner flutters below the underline slogan, "Made in the Glamorous USA"

Juicy Couture's label has reached the heights of such labels as Gucci, Guess and DKNY. This was accomplished by a brilliant marketing ploy. They cultivated relationships with the Hollywood community and invited top celebrities such as JLO, Cameron Diaz and Madonna to shop for Free. Then they had these famous women have there pictures taken with these items and this concept raised the label to the status of, "Chic Couture."

Fast forward to today and under the Liz Claiborne aegis, Juicy Couture markets many items under many categories. They have both men and womens collections, children's collections as well as a mix of fashion accessories including jewelry, handbags and swim wear.
In the last 14 years we have seen many changes but one thing that hasn't is Skaist-Levy and Taylor are still at the head of this most prosperous organization as co-presidents.

My Confession
really. ak g suka pol mbe style yg skrg "ditanamkan" mbe mamaku.
liat kan? kalo pigi2...bajuku girly kan? well, i hate it.
i'm a boy.gosh. =.=
tapi satu merk ini. Juicy Couture.
ini satu-satunya brand girly yg ak suka.
(itupun gak byk beli...suka liat'e...)
note : it's pink. trust me. but i dont like the pink, i just like Juicy Couture =)
Tantra Totem
Anda mungkin tidak percaya ini tapi nasehatnya luarbiasa.
Baca sampai habis, anda akan belajar sesuatu !!!
SATU. berikan mereka lebih dari yang mereka harapkan dan lakukan itu dengan senang hati.
DUA. Menikahlah dengan pria/wanita yang anda cintai. Ketika anda beranjak tua, keahlian percakapan mereka akan mejadi sepenting seperti hal lain.
TIGA. Jangan percaya dengan apa yang anda dengar, Habiskan apa anda miliki atau tidur semau anda.
EMPAT. Ketika anda ucapkan, "Aku mencintaimu", Seriuslah.
LIMA . Ketika anda ucapkan, "Maafkan saya", pandang mata orangitu.
ENAM. Tunanganlah sedikitnya enam bulan sebelum anda menikah.
TUJUH. Percayalah pada cinta padangan pertama.
DELAPAN. Jangan tertawakan/remehkan impian orang. Orang yang tidak punya impian adalah miskin.
SEMBILAN. Cintailah dengan mendalam dan bergairah. Anda mungkin akan terluka, tapi ini satu-satunya cara untuk menjalani hidup sebenarnya.
SEPULUH. Saat terjadi percekcokan/pertengkaran, Janganlah menyebut nama.
SEBELAS. Jangan menilai orang karena dengan siapa mereka berteman.
DUABELAS. Bicaralah pelan tapi berpikirlah cepat.
TIGABELAS. Ketika seseorang mengajukan pertanyaan, yang anda sendiri tidak ingin menjawabnya, tersenyumlah dan tanya, "Kenapa anda ingin tahu?"
EMPATBELAS. Ingat bahwa cinta dan kesuksesan besar membutuhkan pengorbanan.
LIMABELAS. Ucapkan "berkah bagimu" saat anda mendengar orang bersin.
ENAMBELAS. Ketika anda kalah, jangan lupakan pelajaran yang didapat.
TUJUHBELAS. Hargai diri sendiri; Hargai orang lain; Bertanggung jawab pada semua yang anda lakukan.
DELAPANBELAS. Jangan biarkan pertengkaran kecil merusak persahabatan yang besar.
SEMBILANBELAS. Ketika anda sadar telah berbuat kesalahan ambil langkah segera untuk memperbaikinya.
DUAPULUH. Tersenyumlah saat menerima telepon. Penelpon akan mendengarnya dari suara anda.
DUAPULUH DUA. Habiskan waktu sendirian.
-------percaya? ;)